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Comment count is 8
kingarthur - 2016-01-10


Scrimmjob - 2016-01-10

Billy Barty is an auto 5!

Binro the Heretic - 2016-01-10

Barty is rightfully a legend.

Amidst all the silly goofy shit he had to do in his career, he also got to perform alongside some of the greatest performers in Hollywood and held his own.

decoy - 2016-01-10

When I was a teen in the 80's me and my weird friends would have Billy Barty parties. We'd get shitfaced an watch Willow, Legend, Masters of the Universe - all the movies that sucked except for Billy Barty. He was a delight.

Scrimmjob - 2016-01-10

He was great in UHF.

decoy - 2016-01-11

Yep UHF, another great turn for the Bartyman..

Bort - 2016-01-11

He imped well in MST3K's "The Undead".

I do wonder if he was happy, though. This sort of thing always bugs me and I don't know if I'm being condescending, but: his career had a lot to do with imps and Dr. Shrinker's assistant, and a person could get to feeling at least a little bitter and resentful. Or a person could end up saying "this is who I am, but you know what? I've done all right for myself." I like to hope the latter.

decoy - 2016-01-11

The great David Rappaport was at the top of his field and wasn't so happy about it. He blew his brains out with a shotgun in Laurel Canyon.

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