SolRo - 2016-01-09
The dirty poors lower on the mountain had to wait for the lifts to be fixed
infinite zest - 2016-01-09 I live by a gondola that doesn't really serve a function except reduce traffic for people working at the VA hospital on top of a hill, so I'm not one to judge since I've never skiied with one, but gondola just seems so much more impractical than chairlift. It's like putting your bike on a bus.
infinite zest - 2016-01-09
I read the title as "Helicopter Rescue from Gorilla"
infinite zest - 2016-01-09 The rescue guy has the same sort of smiley nature as the smiley guy in Cliffhanger though. I can't remember his name and imdb's not really helping, but smiley guy. That movie was NC17? The fuck?
infinite zest - 2016-01-09 Oh NM it was R, but originally NC17. I saw it with my parents when I was ten years old. But as always imdb's Parental Guide is great.
jfcaron_ca - 2020-05-31 I watched Cliffhanger as a young teen with my parents and it was the most violent movie I'd ever seen. I thought it was awesome but I think I had nightmares about it.
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