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Comment count is 7
Meatsack Jones - 2007-04-03

It's "Mua'dib!" not "Ali!". Get it right freemen. Now, on to the moon of Arrakis!

kingarthur - 2007-04-03

I could spend fifteen minutes of a Sunday afternoon with this.

Caminante - 2007-04-03

Aah, the days when sports stars were literally superheroes.

sosage - 2007-04-03

Talk about a "fireworks factory". How does the damn space movie end?

Hooper_X - 2007-04-03

This is still better animated than half the shit that comes out of Japan.

athodyd - 2007-04-03


zatojones - 2007-06-14

Damn cartoons were paced much slower back then

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