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These edgy new Grey Poupon ads
the next one he gets glassed with a Grey Poupon jar.
LOOK HOW CLOSE HE WAS! *Proceeds to barely miss multiple pedestrians to follow the car*
Polite raging and ragdoll physics. PUT ON YOUR FUCKING SEATBELT!
Is that in the highway code? Is your bike insured? Where's your helmet? They act angry but they are actually really concerned for each others safety. Heart warming.
This is an instant classic!
I hate them both!
I know, 5 stars!
this biker is going to have a brick thrown at his head one day.
Thanks to GoPro, the internet is teeming with roadside debates such as these.
GoPro: Be A Hero. Or Be A Dick We Don't Care.
Eventually this GoPro thing will go mainstream and everyone else will be wearing GoPro apparel... just wait...
Snitches get stitches.
This whole channel is amazing.
lol dumbass brits
Is this the right room for an argument?
that is the best fall in recorded history