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Comment count is 11
TeenerTot - 2015-09-08


Kid Fenris - 2015-09-08

Looks like it did a binky, which rabbits do when they're really happy.

Of course, it was probably scared out of its mind and panicking, but I like to think it was having the time of its life.

All the gridiron will be your enemy, prince with a thousand enemies.

Seven Arts/H8 Red - 2015-09-09

The rabbit probably figured it wouldn't get away with that shit at the NFL level. The rabbit would likely go unnoticed if it binkied at an Arena Football League game, so the CFL is a fair tradeoff.

DriverStabby - 2015-09-08

I'd watch sports more,

if once in a while they released a wild animal on the field by surprise.

jangbones - 2015-09-08

random animals, released at set intervals

"Alright Bob, the Eagles break the huddle, at the Cowboys 29 yard line, third and two, they are not going to get the play off before the 10-minute release."

"The osprey from the last one is still hanging around the concession stands."

"Bradford under center, and here it comes JESUS CHRIST IT'S A SUMATRAN TIGER. The Eagles hike the ball...big cat coming for the secondary...play action to Murray..."

"Tiger is chasing the Cowboys' Orlando Scandrick, what a break for Philadelphia!"

"That leaves Jordan Matthews open, Bradford hits him in stride, big third down conversion...I think I see Scandrick's entrails on the field..."

DriverStabby - 2015-09-09

No set intervals. Surprise every time.

baleen - 2015-09-08

Slow this down, put some Springsteen on it.
Important film about America.

Killer Joe - 2015-09-09

Canadian football rules are so weird.

jangbones - 2015-09-09

that rabbit almost scored a rouge!

yogarfield - 2015-09-09

"That thing was a HARE away from getting tackled!

Also I melt crayons inside my own ass and use the resulting santorum to paint the faces of the child slaves I keep locked in my basement. I'm Brian Harrod."

©Brian Harrod

infinite zest - 2015-09-09


yes sir you get a carrot.

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