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Desc:Oskar's Mixtur-Trautonium was a heavily modified Trautonium and probably the first true synthesizer.
Category:Arts, Science & Technology
Tags:Synthesizer, beep boop, german people
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Comment count is 14
Old_Zircon - 2015-07-28

You may know the Trautonium as the voice of the birds in The Birds.

Scrimmjob - 2015-07-28

Far out! I've never heard of this guy!

memedumpster - 2015-07-28

Trautonium can only be synthesized in space.

That guy - 2015-07-28

You would find this video, Old Zircon. You would.

Old_Zircon - 2015-07-28

Shit, I took classes about this guy.

Old_Zircon - 2015-07-28

I mean, not JUST about him but he featured in them.

That guy - 2015-07-28

Still making stuff? Your Soundcloud page is M.I.A.

Old_Zircon - 2015-07-29

OH shit, I forgot I posted any of that here. I've got some stuff. That soundcloud was renamed and I kind of want to keep it completely dissociated from any other identity I have, but in a couple weeks I'll have the stupid Warhammer/pro golf concept album (in a very loose sense of the word) up and I'll share a link if people want.

Most of the stuff I've done in my life is with bands but the last two years I've mostly been working on learning to build better guitars and just play for fun with some friends.

I could have sworn the 4 track recorded, deliberately bad "punk" song we wrote in 11th grade to troll some kids we knew in Manchester was on my Youtube channel, but it looks like I was wrong.

Old_Zircon - 2015-07-29

I guess if you want to cyberstalk me, the last project was a one-off that takes its name from a short story by the Norwegian author Tor Age Bringsvaerd, and it was loosely conceived as a vaguely dystopian treatment of travel agency promotional video soundtracks. That should be enough to find it on bandcamp/soundcloud if you really want to.

That guy - 2015-07-29

I'm getting just enough information to not find it. Bringsvaerd doesn't have much info on his short stories in English.

....either that or I found it and I don't recognize that it's yours because it's not especially like the Sckinemax stuff.

That guy - 2015-07-29

Wait��� I think I found it and it's just very different from the other schtuff.

Old_Zircon - 2015-07-29

It's kind of different, yeah. Same equipment but with samples and bounced out onto VHS with some top secret shitty analog processing in there.

And I watched a shit pile of Twin Peaks before every time I wrote a track.

So if it sounds like that you probably got it.

That guy - 2015-07-29

Classic O Z

That guy - 2015-07-30

Yeah, I gave it a listen. I think I get what track 9 is aping, given your description. And I think I hear a minor element of track 6 practically quoting a certain soundtrack....

I hear the analog processing, but I would have no idea if it was 'analog_processing.knobtwiddle.filter' or actual analog somewhere in the process.

The thing I liked about the sckinemax stuff is that it was kinda goofing on a genre I don't really listen to, and yet I really liked the music in a perfectly half-serious way.

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