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Desc:'I'm afraid, if the earth collapses, I will get buried underneath'
Category:Crime, Horror
Tags:gold, China, philippines, Jose Panganiban, compressor mines
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Comment count is 10
Gmork - 2015-07-24

Showing them cockfighting isn't exactly earning them much sympathy. 5 for multi-flavored evil.

RockBolt - 2015-07-24

At least they are not suffering from the sin of contraception

SolRo - 2015-07-24

At least they're not suffering under the high taxes needed to support a social safety net. Freedumb!

SolRo - 2015-07-24

This is honestly the ultimate expression of Christian libertarian ideals...no government intervention, minimal education, and plenty of religious self-harm to add flavor

Enjoy - 2015-07-26

Ya that's why all these countries have left-wing socialist dictators elected.

EvilHomer - 2015-07-26

It's funny, because the Philippines is actually ranked lower than Brunei, Rwanda, and Kazakhstan in terms of economic freedom:


"Freedom is slavery, war is peace, rape is fine when the woman's asking for it." ~ SolRo

Konversekid - 2015-07-26

Left-wing socialist dictators?

The Philippines was run by fascists until 1986 and since then has had pro-business centrist/conservative parties that largely fail to address the issues of poverty, and actually help foreign companies forcefully displace people, many of whom are self-sustaining peasants, for mining and logging. At best they pay lip service to handing out scraps to prevent the growing strength of the underground communist party that is engaged in people's war with the state. The country is a fucked up play pen for foreign capital.

memedumpster - 2015-07-25

The universe just sucks.

Binro the Heretic - 2015-07-25

All of humanity should be ashamed that things like this are still happening in this day and age.

betabox - 2015-07-26

Luckily, The Free Market will ensure that things like this won't happen.

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