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I just clicked on random points with the sound off and this is what I saw: - Purple dye in water - Bloom effects - An American flag - The moon landing 5 stars
Finally, a shirt that can REALLY show off my fat crease sweat!
Because what could be more appealling than tie died saddle bags?
Fantastic comments: -the-future-of-sports-apparel/comments
Haha, fools and their money, dearly departed.
OMG absolutely amazing, especially the links to to all the monthly FCC complaints AND the comments for each and every complaint
Hell hath no fury like a Kickstarter backer scorned
FTC, but yeah, FTC-guy's rampage is awesome to behold.
It's worth checking out the other videos for the campaign, too, both for the videos themselves and for the comments. I'm still not sure what makes this substantially different from Hypercolor.
Supposedly there's a class action suit in the works over this.
Does "nanotechnology" just mean chemistry?
I like that hard pan to the right speaker when he says "right." Attention to detail, I like that.