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Comment count is 12
chumbucket - 2015-06-17

Tether your kid and leave them there all day!

Killer Joe - 2015-06-17

I don't feel right...

Binro the Heretic - 2015-06-17

I'd rather have an Endless Pool.

hammsangwich - 2015-06-17

Endless Pools cost like k. With this you can retrofit the sweet above ground you already have at your trailer.

Old_Zircon - 2015-06-18

I admit I only watched part of the video before I submitted it, but unless I'm mistaken the pool is actually part of this, I don't think they designed it as a retrofit (which is probably actually smart of them, from a liability standpoint).

urbanelf - 2015-06-17


betabox - 2015-06-17

iPee in iPools.

The Mothership - 2015-06-17

We had a similar thing on the swim team in high school (1996/7). You'd dive in on one end of the lane, and then test the speed / strength of your stroke against the rubber bands connected to the wall.

This is a total hustle, however.

Monkey Napoleon - 2015-06-18

As always, I'm probably focusing on the wrong thing here, but then the voice suggested you could set this up in your basement I wretched a little.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2015-06-18

If you like swimming as a form of exercise this seems like a good idea imo. You gots to get some exercise every day.

Old_Zircon - 2015-06-18

I got some electric drums from 1991 fuck I need a pool for?

1394 - 2015-06-18

They found a way to make above ground pools even more lame.

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