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Comment count is 15
takewithfood - 2015-06-02

I gather they started doing this to escape parasitic wasps because, as we all know, back-flipping grants you immunity to attacks.

Redford - 2015-06-02

It's an invuln frame trick, so if a bird or something swoops down and tries to eat them they can't actually do it unless they know the trick and gets the spider stuck in a frame trap.

baleen - 2015-06-02

It's probably because it's really hot.

Nikon - 2015-06-02

Do a barrel roll

The Mothership - 2015-06-02

If I remember correctly from the National Geographic special, the wasp still gets him in the end.

betabox - 2015-06-02

That's gotta hurt!

simon666 - 2015-06-02

There's someone just out of frame with a leaf blower, right?

garcet71283 - 2015-06-02

Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow...

gravelstudios - 2015-06-02

I was thinking more like

Killer Joe - 2015-06-02


Rodents of Unusual Size - 2015-06-02

a tumbleweed of death

jfcaron_ca - 2015-06-02

No twriling towards freedom tag? C'mon.

animegurl1000 - 2015-06-02

Here you are.

Sanest Man Alive - 2015-06-02

Flic-flac paddywhack, give a dog a bone
This old spider came rolling home

Doomstein - 2015-06-02

The Flic-Flac Spider, not to be confused with the razzle-dazzle, or shuck n' jive spider.

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