yogarfield - 2015-02-22
Goldust is auto-five. Goldust is us.
twinkieafternoon - 2015-02-22 we've been through this many times, but as a refresher, it's Macho Man
yogarfield - 2015-02-22 Oh please. This community ain't dead yet!
bluebeetle - 2015-02-22
Watch for when Roddy starts bracing his hand after punching Goldie on the forehead. Dustin told him to "go hard" and draw blood. Nobody bled, but Roddy broke his hand on Dustin's head.
animegurl1000 - 2015-02-22 It also looks like Roddy cut his hand at some point. You can see a little blood on the door handle of his truck as he gets in.
Oscar Wildcat - 2015-02-23 He just ain't gonna put on those sunglasses, Rod.
infinite zest - 2015-02-22
I like how he gets up quicker from getting hit by a car than a nut punch and toss into a dumpster.
oddeye - 2015-02-22 Goldust can punch a nutsack harder than Zeus.
Retardo Montebaun - 2015-02-23
I totally read that as Piper versus a ghost, weirdly doing this didn't solicit a double take at all.
The Mothership - 2022-04-30
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