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Kangaroo took the drone down, sport.
I always loved that song, and was planning an animated short based on it until old Rolf went to prison for kiddie molesting. One part I was particularly looking forward to: "Tan me hide when I'm dead, Fred. Tan me hide when I'm dead. So we tanned his hide when he died, Clyde, and that's it hanging on the shed. All together now!!"
Drones harassing animals really succinctly encapsulates just about all of the worst traits of humanity.
What a wonderful species we must be, if our worst traits can be encapsulated by briefly and mildly annoying an animal.
Sadly only animals can legally do what most of us want to.
It would have been really horrible if it had stuffed the drone into its pouch, or some other poor kangaroo's pouch. Can you imagine the sounds it would have made?