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Comment count is 6
Nick C. - 2007-03-11

Lennon's cremains do a pirouette every time some pigfucker quotes the "Chairman Mao" line.

SharoKham - 2007-03-11

The guy who wrote "Working Class Hero" was "never pompous?" Oh, Fox News, what will we do with you?

kingarthur - 2007-03-11

Say "black panther" and show a dead black guy with a headwound. And, how is Yoko being defensive?

boba. - 2007-03-12

"dead black guy with a headwound" = fred hampton, retard

BAC - 2007-03-12

do you want to beat the newscasters across the face with an aluminium or wooden bat?

Meatsack Jones - 2007-03-12

Working title, "Yoko Uses a Dead Guy for Popularity".

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