Binro the Heretic - 2014-06-13
Seriously, though. HOLY SHITBALLS!
Sanest Man Alive - 2014-06-13
Shrieking Semi-Nudist Accosts Innocent Shark of Peace
MrHappyface - 2014-06-13
A well put together fake I'm afraid. The shark footage is from another Youtube video.
baleen - 2014-06-13 I wasn't entirely convinced it was fake from the followup video. The creator of that video seems to think that sharks cannot make u-turns at more than 3 knots.
misterbuns - 2014-06-13 Doesnt look like there is the same lens distortion on the shark as there is in the bars we see in the first few seconds.
baleen - 2014-06-13 That's a good point. No fish eye distortion on the borders underwater. You're right.
memedumpster - 2014-06-13
Nowhere did a koala explode, so fake.
cognitivedissonance - 2014-06-13
When I was a teenager, I went to the Boy Scout Sea Scouts school in Florida. We spent a week sailing out to Fort Jefferson, from whence you can see Cuba.
One morning, I decided it was time to take a little dip and try to get myself clean, an impossible task in the environment. I jump in, and I'm scrubbing myself with saltwater soap, and I look up, and some idiot is throwing his uneaten breakfast sausage into the water. I have goggles on, and I slowly watch six barracudas almost instantly materialize like Guild Ships from "Dune".
I do not remember the 30 seconds it took me to literally jump back into the boat.
Nominal - 2014-06-14
You could tell it was a fake just from the acting :(
SolRo - 2014-06-14
so we're 5-star'ing fake click-bait because..?
Rodents of Unusual Size - 2014-06-14
I was on the edge of my seat! I almost never clap my hands over my mouth and minimize the screen but wow.
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