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Jeriko-1 - 2014-05-26

I'm sorry, I can't hear that arrangement without thinking of giant feet stomping, boxing gloves, weird dismembered cartoon people, etc.

sasazuka - 2014-05-26

"The Liberty Bell March" wouldn't have been my choice of accompaniment either, because of the mental association with MONTY PYTHON.

I don't know what I'd have chosen... maybe "The Maple Leaf Rag".

But, really, I didn't submit it for the music. Just turn the sound down and try and imagine the engines.


1911 Blitzen Benz. Skip ahead to about 3:05 for the engine sounds and also to skip the background lounge singer.

sasazuka - 2014-05-26

Here's an actual car from the 1911 Indianapolis 500 race in motion at Circuit of the Americas in 2013, for an idea as to what extreme vintage race car engines sound like in motion compared to just idling:


A lot quieter than I expected but I've been to Formula 1 races in real life so my mental image of race car engines is at full scream, not just the relatively gentle putt-putt of early race cars.

Jet Bin Fever - 2014-05-29


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