John Holmes Motherfucker - 2014-05-22
Wow, I almost feel shitty about laughing at that.
You know what I think about Oscar Pistorious? Keep in mind, it's been months since I've read about this, and maybe there have been developments. I think that maybe, when a guy without legs wakes up in the middle of the night, he can forget for a moment that he's a world class athlete who has overcome tremendous hardships , and can only remember that he's a guy without legs. Maybe, for a confused moment, he felt helpless and afraid.
Did anybody else see the awesome banner ad/link?
"Conan takes a Samurai Sword to the Gut.
Suggested by Team Conan"
infinite zest - 2014-05-22 He did take that too far.. it kind of reminds me of the "OJ did it" bits except if he straight out said OJ did it because he was black. I remember a few times Norm came close but didn't go there.. this one treads dangerously close to those waters. Basically backpaddling. Which sucks because I usually like Norm, hence the 5 stars above.
Jet Bin Fever - 2014-05-22 Backpedaling is also harder to do with no legs.
Oscar Wildcat - 2014-05-22 Presumably that's why he's backpaddling ( with your hands ) rather than backpedaling ( with your legs ) ????
Hooker - 2014-05-22 I refuse to follow this "Norm for Late Late Show" stuff because if I wind up getting my heart set on it and it doesn't happen, I will be wildly crestfallen and inconsolable.
Jack Dalton - 2014-05-22
I don't find it offensive-- part of Norm's bit is to take something too far without being genuinely serious. He's making the joke at his own expense, and most people laugh along having it both ways. He probably wouldn't have done that bit before Pistorious was accused of murder-- he uses a public figure in a controversial situation and makes an idiotic straight-faced argument that touches on something taboo... it even makes other comedians uncomfortable.
BorrowedSolution - 2014-05-22
He sure can take a joke and run with it. Because he has legs.
That guy - 2014-05-22
One of my last straws with the Olympics, that bullshit was.
memedumpster - 2014-05-22
Oh heck, that's why they call him Blade Runner. I thought it was because his girlfriend ran through ten panes of glass while he shot her.
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