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Uh, seismic wiring? Oh wait, forgot...'Murica! Freeedom! No commie electrical inspector tellin' me how to mechanically support a fixture!
free-market competition ensured that light and installation are the best possible.
congrats to chancho on one of the worst comments i've ever read on this site.
I don't really know a lot about wrestling so this video was very illuminating for me.
I liked the part where the light fell on the wrestler
congrats to the both of you for being a whole lot better at comments than chancho
God was punishing him for the most homo sport.
In case you're wondering, the kid's all right; he needed some stitches in his head, but otherwise weathered this bout of Looney Tunes bullshit just fine. The other kid ought to pro-wrestle under the name "The Deus Ex Machinator".
He deserves it for not asking Jeanie to the prom.