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Comment count is 10
Binro the Heretic - 2014-03-30

The creepiest part is he probably thought she would be flattered.

Meerkat - 2014-03-30


*moves paw toward cock*

Potrod - 2014-03-30

http://deadspin.com/guy-takes-picture-may-have-weirded-out-woman-n ext-to-h-1205504324/all

Guy is her dad taking a normal picture. Not creepy.

Potrod - 2014-03-30

THAT's for besmirching an innocent man's name!

(Also because the video is totally uninteresting with the actual backstory)

Hooker - 2014-03-30

Yes it is. So let's all thank Potrod.

oddeye - 2014-03-30

Don't think you are off the Hook, Hooker. Even almost a year later you should continue to feel ashamed.

Father Avalanche - 2014-03-30

that guy totally wants to fuck his daughter, potrod. watch it again.

Potrod - 2014-03-30

MAYBE, but her reaction is more "Oh let me make this look candid" than disgusted. Anyway, sorry to be a buzzkill guys.

Bort - 2014-03-31

Her name is "Samantha Studley". Wow.

chumbucket - 2014-04-01

Your mom is her dad.

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