SixDigitDebt - 2014-03-14
SolRo - 2014-03-14
It's even funnier when you know they could have done it safely if the person filming/gawking helped.
wait, it's also funny that some of those are brand new probably getting loaded right after being bought.
so happy I was able to borrow a proper motorcycle trailer when I traded for a project bike.
bopeton - 2014-03-14
Don't ride bikes up ramps. That's like the first rule of loading bikes.
The second rule is don't talk about bike loading club.
oddeye - 2014-03-14 Dude, haven't you seen Biker Boyz?
infinite zest - 2014-03-14
I kind of sort of do this for a living right now, albeit with amps and not motorcycles, although I've moved motorcycles.. I've never had someone be like "hey let's film this." One time a sister theatre I worked at's marquee was fucked up so we had to carry a big ladder down from the one theatre to the other, and dude was on acid and had acid shits and totally shit himself carrying the ladder in public. I wish I had that on tape. I hate that guy.
exy - 2014-03-15 "acid shits" are a thing? really dirty acid?
infinite zest - 2014-03-15 well this was Milwaukee Wisconsin so the acid probably did suck, but yeah. Like mushrooms it fucks with your digestive system, and the simple task of taking a shit results in the worst kind of bad trip. Like when you're high and brushing your teeth like they're going to fall out, but worse. A lot worse. I dunno. Don't eat a shit ton of food before dosing and don't fuck my girlfriend either. That guy deserved to shit himself.
Jet Bin Fever - 2014-03-15
All those ugly custom paint jobs, ruined. Schadenfreude.
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