Old_Zircon - 2014-02-25
Which is the one from 78 or 79 that was a retelling of the Arthurian mythos with bikers?
B. Weed - 2014-02-25 Knightriders (1981) by George Romero?
Old_Zircon - 2014-02-25 Yes, that's it, I couldn't remember if it was Romero or Hooper. Thanks!
jangbones - 2014-02-25
needs "its a future war on wheels fought astride high powered death machines with blasters and laser guns" tag
zurf - 2014-02-25
This movie sucks. The original director was fired half way through and, in the second director's words
"Mostly we just blew up motorcycles. Lots of them. We also set some mutants on fire. And the stunning Claudia Jennings got naked. David Carradine... smoked a lot of high-grade weed and helped us to blow stuff up... Sad to say, I couldn't save the picture"
Caminante Nocturno - 2015-05-14
There are no Olympic Games, World Series, or Superbowls. Deathsport is less corrupt than all of them.
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