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Comment count is 17
mouser - 2013-08-09

RZ is a douche.

bac - 2013-08-09

It takes cold cynical bastard to not like this...that being said. Damn privileged kids.

sosage - 2013-08-09

Why are they assuming the position in the last shot? They going to get tazed? Hope you're happy Mr. Zombie.

M-DEEM - 2013-08-09

This was fine until that. But that's how you know some dipshit weirdo
parent was behind it all.

Fezren - 2013-08-09

I hope these douchey kids lose their skatepark more than anything.

Great lessons to teach to your entitled children:

1. It's OK to make a ton of noise and bother people.
2. It's OK to publicly shame someone for filing a complaint about you.
3. It's NOT OK to compromise with your neighbors and find a solution that is acceptable for everyone.

Hooker - 2013-08-10

Hahaha. Are you a troll poster? I don't recognize you at all. Could you explain your Big Issue that you're trolling about just so we can form up the battle lines?

Change - 2013-08-10

I remember him. He tried really hard a while back to be noticed.

Fezren - 2013-08-10

I feel like the only appropriate response to your comments is to tell you to go eat a bag of dicks.

Bon appetit?

lotsmoreorcs - 2013-08-10

"hey kids, i TROLLED today!"

Old_Zircon - 2013-08-10

Fezren is actually Rob Zombie.

Oscar Wildcat - 2013-08-09

That was very sweet. They should also set a car tire to burn.

Maru - 2013-08-10

I want these kids to lose their gay park, but I also want Rob Zombie to lose his home.

Maru - 2013-08-10

tentative sign: drop a bomb on woodbury conn

memedumpster - 2013-08-10

Five for the alarming number of poeTV users who feel they are in direct social competition with children, and five spirit stars for Rob Fucking Zombie also being one of those people.

lotsmoreorcs - 2013-08-10

5 for your articulation skills

Change - 2013-08-10

'white people' tag

....'white people' tag

Blue - 2013-08-10

Has a 12 year old been beating up everybody at POETV and taking their lunch money?

I mean, presumably they're privileged because they live within walking distance of a celebrity and own skateboards but why is everyone so bitter about that? They're fucking kids.

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