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Comment count is 4
bawbag - 2013-07-13


Old_Zircon - 2013-07-13

There's a really good parody of this called "Good Store Good Choice" on a late 90s compilation I have, but I forget who does it (Neil Hamburger and The Phantom Surfers are both involved but not on that track). I don't have the record handy right now, but it's got a photo of a naked woman and some pet rocks on the cover. The whole thing's great, if you can manage to find it from my horrible, vague description I highly recommend it.

Old_Zircon - 2013-07-13

I could have sworn it was called "Good Time Jamboree" but I can't find it online.

Caminante Nocturno - 2013-07-13

I just spent the last two hours getting drunk at a maid cafe, and this is exactly the kind of non-anime song I needed to hear.

So, thanks.

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