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Desc:synopsis: deeeeeeerrrp. derp durrrrrrrr drool durrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Category:Humor, Horror
Tags:guido, the situation, evolutionary failure, so stupid my ears bleed, fucking die already
Submitted:Rodents of Unusual Size
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Comment count is 17
Rodents of Unusual Size - 2013-07-01

Just realized this was submitted already but it didn't come up in my search. But the other link is dead. Much like I wish his career was.

spikestoyiu - 2013-07-01

If there's a silver lining here, I think his career IS pretty much dead.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2013-07-01

Yeah, but he was paid for his "work." He could never suffer the much-deserved crappy life he was destined for.

spikestoyiu - 2013-07-01

And then he promptly squandered just about every penny. Last I heard he was broke as fuck.

memedumpster - 2013-07-01

I saw this. Snoop actually made me laugh once or twice, everyone else could have died in a fire and still wouldn't have been funny.

Oscar Wildcat - 2013-07-01

So something good came out of Hurricane Sandy after all!

Apparently none of us have the courage to star this. How odd.

Change - 2013-07-01

It's cool, I've got this.

Cherry Pop Culture - 2013-07-01

I thought roasts were supposed to be full of friends and co-workers that had stuff to get off their chests and it was a laugh riot.

This man has no friends.

Blue - 2013-07-01

Seriously, though, don't clap for him.

It's also your last night, just so you know (Huge applause).

I don't know how to rate this. It was like watching one of those cyst popping videos.

il fiore bel - 2013-07-01

How can you say that?

At least with the popping of a cyst, there is some guaranteed relief for at least one person.

Pillager - 2013-07-01

Hate the video, love the last three tags.

5 stars.

Old_Zircon - 2013-07-01

"fucking die already" should have a future.

Sanest Man Alive - 2013-07-02

I'm honestly surprised that one isn't linked to one of waugh's submissions.

il fiore bel - 2013-07-01

I guess one roast always needs a dud roaster. At least that's the case with these Comedy Central roasts.

My ears bled once when I saw this on TV, so just take the stars and don't ask me to revisit the trauma.

Spaceman Africa - 2013-07-02

Except with the Comedy Central roasts about half the people are duds.

Sudan no1 - 2013-07-02

5 for the tags.

pyslexic dharmacist - 2013-07-07

Anthony Jeselnik's smile-and-nod says it all.

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