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Comment count is 9
Jet Bin Fever - 2013-05-30

A separate breath for each word.

chumbucket - 2013-05-30

Why wrestling still entertains me.

EvilHomer - 2013-05-30

This is a bit off topic, but that guy from the Jericho vid, Fandango. I just spotted the latest issue of our local socialist rag, and Fandango's on the cover.

I haven't read the article yet, so what's up? Is he doing something important? Is he a gay icon now? The Advocate isn't the kind of newspaper that takes kindly to rasslers, let alone give them coverboy status.

Hooker - 2013-05-30

I follow wrestling. What are you talking about?

EvilHomer - 2013-05-30

I don't know. I'm just wondering if Fandango's doing anything that would warrant putting him on the cover of a newspaper that's usually devoted to hipster post-rock, vegan activism, and Dan Savage.

I've only just now heard of the guy, so forgive me if the answer's obvious.

Hooker - 2013-05-30

Well, I suppose this requires some context.

Like you get with cynical video game fans (see: poeTV), wrestling has a die hard culture that wants specific things and can be quite vocal about their desires. Unlike games, however, wrestling is a medium where fans have a literal voice. Those fans have grown increasingly frustrated with the WWE product for over a decade now. The most prominent example of backlash from this group of fans, probably the divining rod for the whole issue, is the WWE's marquee wrestler, John Cena, who gets loudly booed by a significant protion of the audience, especially in more densely populated cities. It's gotten so bad that someone could sign up on a non-wrestling website with a name like CenaFan (let's just say) in order to infurate teenagers and adults, typically boys/men. However, it manifests in other ways as well.

Wrestlemania, as I'm sure you know, is the largest wrestling event in the world, held annually. Similar to the Olympics, World Cup, etc., it attracts people both nationally and globally to fly in to catch the show. Wrestlemania (as with all major shows) is held on a Sunday night, and runs football sized stadiums (60,000+ people). Monday Night RAW, their flatship television show, is obviously held Monday night, and runs in smaller basketball/hockey arenas (10,000+). The effect is that you get the most die-hard fans of the larger Wrestlemania group typically populating the post-Wrestlemania RAW, and this results in the most hostile-to-the-product crowd of any WWE show each year. To a longtime fan (of wrestling, not the WWE), the appeal of going to the post-Wrestlemania RAW is far bigger than going to Wrestlemania itself. On the most recent P.W. RAW, the fans started dancing to and singing Fandango's theme song before, during, and after the show. Fandango's gimmick is a salsa dancer. It's a paper-thin character and typical of the crap the WWE comes up with, and the fans can been seen as sarcastically mimicing it as another way of lambasting the product. However, the dance/singing caught on as a very mild, obscure social media meme, with a few videos popping up here and there of people unrelated to wrestling doing "the Fandango."

Or it could be that Fandango just looks really gay. One or the other, most likely.

blue vein steel - 2013-05-30

maybe WWE was in your town that week and your free weekly had a cover story about it?

EvilHomer - 2013-05-30

The WWE lives right next door. The only time our weekly acknowledges it's existence is when they're trying to dredge up dirt on Linda McMahon and her evil Republican minions.

Turns out Hooker is right. I read the article, and it's about Fandango's dance meme. Also, he's really gay.

Udderdude - 2013-05-30

You can't fire me, I QUIT!

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