EvilHomer - 2013-05-05
Spoilers in the preload, but I guess you know that already.
Wasn't there some really stupid, old-timey sounding "technical" term for medieval sword fighting that was invented by LARP/ Renfaire nerds? Anyone remember what that was?
Bhiu - 2013-05-05 Is boffer the word you're looking for?
badideasinaction - 2013-05-05 This predates LARPERs but https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historical_European_martial_arts gets thrown about sometimes.
EvilHomer - 2013-05-05 No, it was something else. Something less sensible and more sounding like it came off the pages of a 16th century French manuscript that some neckbeard had lying around his mobile home. I seem to recall there being some LARP websites on poeRed (a fencing instructor? One of WinterRose's friends? An otherkin Usenet group, even?) that liked to use it, but I might have dreamed the whole thing.
baleen - 2013-05-05 Poor, poor WinterRose. *weg*
Squeamish - 2013-05-05
Is it just me, or was anybody else expecting Mike, Crow, and Tom to make some kind of joke during all of that?
urbanelf - 2013-05-05
I don't understand. I'm looking at an abstract chess board and, when a piece is captured, it awkwardly forces me to watch this?
StanleyPain - 2013-05-05
Jet Bin Fever - 2013-05-05
Shouldn't he only be moving one space diagonally? This isn't canon at all.
twinkieafternoon - 2013-05-06
Welp, my work is done here.
Nothing like walkin away after a satisfying job well done.
Sanest Man Alive - 2013-05-06
"13th century lag kill"
Just take them.
oddeye - 2015-02-07
wouldn't you just let go of your sword if you were the knight?
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