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Comment count is 10
Hooker - 2013-03-10

It would have been great if it swiped a player and the player fell to the ground in apparent agony.

Sanest Man Alive - 2013-03-10

Sure, when a weasel runs across the playing field naked it's cute, but when a HUMAN does it...

...well, it's still cute.

chumbucket - 2013-03-11

And still gets yakkety sax

Meerkat - 2013-03-10

He waited for the ball to go out of play.

I bet that player's hand was sMarten after that!

William Burns - 2013-03-11

It's unBEARable!

James Woods - 2013-03-11

I just hope that after they killed it in the locker room, it got its 72 virgins.

Cena_mark - 2013-03-10

Perhaps the most interesting thing to ever take place on a soccer field. 'Cause soccer sucks.

Xenagama Warrior Princess - 2013-03-11

If soccer had a *ferret-coralling intermission, I would definitely watch it.

*Yes, I'm aware it's a martin.

kingarthur - 2013-03-11

I picture the weasel making Curly noises from the three stooges the whole time. Nyuk nyuk nyuk! Wooo wooo wooo!

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-03-14

Wild animals on the field would make sports a lot more entertaining.

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