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sure why not
Everybody likes to jiggle
I enjoyed it, sorry.
I do think they could have found at least twice as many useful Jiggle Billy samples, though.
well tarrrrnation!
The teenagers on that vent had no idea what Jiggle billy was, that's pretty funny. They also react to annoyance the same way a 7 year old does.
To be fair, that episode first aired more THAN TEN YEARS AGO FUCK WHAT IS HAPPENING TO MEEEEE
So, we jigglin', orr....?
Balls of Steel set the bar for ventrilo harassment quite high.
Works on more than one level! The victims have a real-life happy-time Harry thing going on.
This is a fairly accurate reproduction of that episode, only lacking in a final, hateful breakdown of Jiggle Billy's raison d'etre by the cynical little shits.
Most gamers are horrible people so their pain is sweet, sweet candy.
Ka-mense ta' jigglin'!
Room 3 is the Jiggling Room.
always has been