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Comment count is 5
spikestoyiu - 2013-02-22

I had one of these. It sucked. I also had that NES game. That also sucked.

Old_Zircon - 2013-02-22

Me too, on both counts. The NES game was the better of the two by far.

You'd pretty much have to be an NFL quarterback to punp that thing the way he is; the spring in mine was so strong that I hat to brace the barrel on my leg and use both hands to actually pump it after every shot.

Also the barrel was kind of curved, that didn't really help matters.

The NES game was pretty bad for a NES game but pretty good for a Zapper NES game.

spikestoyiu - 2013-02-22

"Pretty good for a Zapper game" is a low bar.


Haha, okay!

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-02-23

I am proud to say that I still have a Gotcha! gun somewhere. And Old_Zircon speaks the truth. I think I hurt myself a few times as a kid pumping that goddamn thing. It didn't make that satisfying sploosh sound heard here either... it was a loud spring sound. Real loud.

Old_Zircon - 2013-02-23

Come to think of it, I wouldn't be at all surprised if mine was still in my parents' basement.

! 1/2 inches my ass, an inch would be pretty generous.

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