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Aren't nearly all sausages "meat sausages"?
You obviously have never been to whole foods.
The scurrying.
That was my favorite part, right next to how it immediately escalated into "Fuck you!"/"No, fuck YOU!" level fighting.
Also for the "scurrying", felt like something out of a Ridley Scott film.
Kinda makes me think of two cocks, just rubbing up against each other...
If your cock can do any of what I just saw you either need a doctor or an agent.
Bet you say that about a lot of stuff. It's okay.
"Twirling twirling twirling towards freedom" tag?
Coincidentally, they were discussing these things on a radio call-in show for pet advice this morning. The caller had named his skink "Kitchen", which is just awesome.
Wow, those little things can really flop around