lordyam - 2012-11-26
i usually get a special joy in being the vote that gets videos out of the hopper... usually...
TheOtherCapnS - 2012-11-26
Man, what the fuck. I can't fap to this at all unless one of his ears is floppy. I mean, what kind of sick fuck wants both ears up, it's just... weird, man...
StanleyPain - 2012-11-27
the gritty reboot of Watership Down.
cognitivedissonance - 2012-11-27
Imagine you're like me. Overweight, soft, hard childhood of bullying. You decide to go to the gym as an adult to try to fix yourself up.
Then the realization hits you that there may, JUST MAY, be a gym bunny furry somewhere in the room.
And then you leave, cancel your membership, go home, and drink. A lot.
Jet Bin Fever - 2012-11-27
One second longer and this would've ruined your mind forever.
The Mothership - 2012-11-27
and they say standards are slipping here at poetv.
duck&cover - 2012-11-27
Not what I would have associated with the phrase "gym bunny," you know, an attractive girl. Time for the brain bleach.
Change - 2012-11-27 Weird. I'm pretty sure it was originated by the gay community to refer to gays who spend a lot of time in the gym to tone up/watch fit men flex a lot.
Maybe the term was appropriated by one side or the other?
BHWW - 2012-11-27
fedex - 2012-11-27
Oh this guy again, yes we know Alex.
Give me hand won;t you and update all his dead links?
Apparently he got his feelings hurt from people making fun of him so he switched youTube accounts...tricky!
be sure to check out his whole channel of fun!
fedex - 2012-11-27 check out his new stuff in the hopper...oh boy
Pillager - 2012-11-27
The Engineers creator is more terrifying than I could ever have imagined.
Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2012-11-27
cut of peace
DavidBowiesLuckyTennisBall - 2012-11-27
I saw something like this in Bioshock
dairyqueenlatifah - 2012-11-27
The end closeup is the icing on the evil cake.
pineapplejuicer - 2012-11-27
these people do not deserve civil rights
Kabbage - 2012-11-28
just pure horror
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