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Comment count is 8
takewithfood - 2012-11-22

I love that he doesn't even notice until after he has his candy.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2012-11-22

Ho Hos before hoes, bro.

Doomstein - 2012-11-22

Kid hits puberty at 0:06

The Mothership - 2012-11-23

I was going to make another hokey joke about this, but 'ho hos before hoes' gets my stars.

StanleyPain - 2012-11-23

The voice inside my head going "DAAAAAAYYYUUUUMMMMNN"

baleen - 2012-11-23

The same thing happened to me when I watched My Tutor in 1985 during a free trial week of HBO.

Old_Zircon - 2012-11-23

The same thing still happens to me on a near daily basis, usually when I least expect it.

Old_Zircon - 2012-11-23


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