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Comment count is 18
Riskbreaker - 2012-10-11

This was just fantastic, i have nothing more to add.

Chocolate Jesus - 2012-10-11

Is this the sort of thing that provokes admiration nowadays?

kingofthenothing - 2012-10-11

People take their sports seriously. Dude openly admitted on a sports show that he doesn't quite get the rules but he can understand why people enjoy the game. That's pretty neat.

Anaxagoras - 2012-10-11

Yes, openly & honestly admitting your ignorance about something while not denigrating it does, indeed, provoke admiration.

"Nowadays" doesn't enter into the equation. This kind of action has always been rare.

EvilHomer - 2012-10-11

I don't really understand the purpose of your comment, Mr Chocolate, but it's clear that you feel very passionatley about this issue, and I think that's great.

erratic - 2012-10-11

Can we start over? is this live?

chumbucket - 2012-10-11

All of the above plus shooting down the assumption that "you're from NY and at a Jets game, you must be one serious Jets fan!". What an idiotic way to start an interview.

Gmork - 2012-10-11

Well he does live in a world where everyone he ever talks to knows everything about sports. Im pretty ignorant of team bullshit but I can pretend I know something by calling them by their city rather than their team name. I get the premise of football but I don't have any stake in any team so I admire Liam's ability to admit such on a show this balls-deep in football fandom without batting an eyelash.

Maru - 2012-10-14

>>All of the above plus shooting down the assumption that "you're from NY and at a Jets game, you must be one serious Jets fan!". What an idiotic way to start an interview.

Maru - 2012-10-14

I wrote a thing calling chumbucket an idiot, but poe glitched or whatever. I think just re-quoting him is pretty scathing too though.

Screwtape - 2012-10-11

Who the hell was the press agent that booked this promotional appearance?

Rudy - 2012-10-11

They've taken his daughter and the only way to get her back is to babble on about Sanchez/Tebow.

dek863 - 2012-10-11

Everything about this is completely absurd. I love it.

gmol - 2012-10-11

GOOMF is obsolete.

gorch - 2012-10-11

"We're live!"
"Oh, shit."

garcet71283 - 2012-10-11

And thats when everyone in the sportscenter died.

Jet Bin Fever - 2012-10-11

I like that the big headline of this is that he says shit. No one cares that it's utterly ridiculous to have him on promoting his movie on SPORTSCENTER when it has nothing to do with sports... unless you consider kidnapping a sport.

KillerGazebo - 2012-10-14

If kidnapping were a sport, and if it were televised nationally on sports-center, and if Liam Neeson was the biggest star in the league, I would do nothing all day but watch that. I would have a fantasy kidnapping team. I would wear jerseys. It would be my life.

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