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-1 star for how insanely fucking stupid this looks and is. +4 for the banality of evil? (Keeping in mind all videos start at zero stars)
i really should get some sleep
When life imitates robots.
All the excitement of biking, with all the testicle-pain of belaying.
An innovative solution for a nonexistant problem.
I see someone was so disappointed in the selection of uncomfortable bike seats out there, they went and designed their own. Laufradeln: For the maximum level of groin-torture legally allowed in a public space!
Needs "SFW Fetish" tag.
This also happens to be the most popular comment on the Youtube video.
Why didn't he just strap a wheel to his wrists and another to his ankles, and not bother with a frame at all?
Because that would have just been silly.
Bikes for people that hate bikes.
it would certainly be something to try and go up an incline with this piece of shit
Recumbent cyclists the world over rejoice!