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It's not a dupe, the other one's from 2009.
Someday someone will do something GOOD with Star Wars, for free, and George Lucas will spin in his grave.
if only he had a grave to spin in
There's nothing left that can be done with Star Wars that could be any good.
My brain is starting to dump Star Wars cosplay into the same category as fursuit parades. I think it's the sheer lack of dignity involved.
C'mon, that's not fair to fursuit parades.
Actually, now that I think about it, a lot of those fursuiters carry light sabers around. Ugh, this is like crossing the streams in Ghostbusters.
Looks like the Star Wars Holiday Special finally has a little brother.
It's like poetry; see, it rhymes.
I don't understand things with "broad appeal."
I'm so glad they made that Kinect game so people could train for this event.