fedex - 2012-07-26
sadly, no one under twenty is going to have any idea what this is about
SteamPoweredKleenex - 2012-07-26
I think the Brits are about as fed up with the Olympics as everyone else is, especially those with anti-aircraft missiles installed on their rooftops.
I also think the Nazis would laugh their asses off at the totalitarian corporate crackdown in London. They're scraping the logos off of hand dryers in bathrooms at the behest of sponsors, for crissakes. It's almost to the point where any deaths from firearms at the games will be from something akin to government snipers taking out someone with a Pepsi t-shirt before they can have a chance of being seen in the background of an establishing shot for TV.
John Holmes Motherfucker - 2012-07-26
Well, aren't they having promo tie-ins for, like, everything?
memedumpster - 2012-07-26
I didn't know they were still around.
The Mothership - 2012-07-26
There is another one that is worse than this one, but multi-part wasn't working.
Jet Bin Fever - 2012-07-26
I love AbFab but damn.
sosage - 2012-07-26
I like this show, but like Red Dwarf, I don't want to be reminded that all these characters I am fond of are aging noticeably...which means I am aging noticeably...which is more depressing than funny.
boner - 2012-07-26 They used to be like, 37 playing 45. They just grew into it.
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