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Comment count is 19
Jet Bin Fever - 2012-06-16

I wasn't ready for the camera to pull out at 1:36. Those arms...

Anagramother - 2012-06-17

Yuckles, she isn't anatomically-correct!

memedumpster - 2012-06-16

Okay, who on poeTV suddenly developed mind control powers?

Hooker - 2012-06-16

Artistry doesn't exist in the rural south.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2012-06-16

The South will rise again!

Dr. Lobotomy - 2012-06-16

Make sure to have the closed captions on.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2012-06-16

Oh my fucking god.........................

Not enough stars.

fedex - 2012-06-16

indeed....i think I must insist you *ALL* watch it with the captions on.
It takes it to a completely different level.

badideasinaction - 2012-06-16

Stars for this hint, and the video with captions.

Hooker - 2012-06-17

OH MY GOD, these captions.

fedex - 2012-06-17

Where's his birth certificate? checkmate, atheists!

memedumpster - 2012-06-17

And now I'm favoriting this.

heyitslozeau - 2012-06-19

I dont want to spoil it.

Cherry Pop Culture - 2012-06-19

It went from 1 star to 5 just by turning on the captions

Corpus Delectable - 2012-06-16

Late stages of trichinosis?

exy - 2012-06-17

I think we've found our new national anthem.

theraygunwing - 2012-06-17


misterbuns - 2012-06-17

Welcome to my mind, poetv.

dek863 - 2012-06-17


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