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I wasn't ready for the camera to pull out at 1:36. Those arms...
Yuckles, she isn't anatomically-correct!
Okay, who on poeTV suddenly developed mind control powers?
Artistry doesn't exist in the rural south.
The South will rise again!
Make sure to have the closed captions on.
Oh my fucking god......................... .................................................... .................................................... .................................................... Not enough stars.
indeed....i think I must insist you *ALL* watch it with the captions on. It takes it to a completely different level.
Stars for this hint, and the video with captions.
OH MY GOD, these captions.
Where's his birth certificate? checkmate, atheists!
And now I'm favoriting this.
I dont want to spoil it.
It went from 1 star to 5 just by turning on the captions
Late stages of trichinosis?
I think we've found our new national anthem.
Welcome to my mind, poetv.