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Belzer's standup bit on this is classic.
"We are at our peak right now. Today is Wednesday."
Is that blood on his collar as he walks away?
Beltzer had his own show? I wish it was still on.
I thought that standup bit was over the top before I actually saw the clip.
He's alright he just sleepin"
He fine!
All Belzer did to piss Hulk off was being funny. Dickheads.
It is blood. Belzer sued. Got a house in France, after a settlement.
Wow, Hulk Hogan's a dick!
The best part is in the last minute: "They told us there were fifty crippled children here"
Now I don't know why I never got into "wrasslin'" as a kid; that was hilarious.
He didn't tap out =(
what a little bitch!