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The fat redneck guy lining up to check his v-card was the best.
Jerking off the cross is a pretty close second.
That actually deserved 10 stars *****
I've had sex with Tim Tebow, I'm having sex with him right now and I can prove it. He has praying hands tattooed on his left butt cheek with the caption "And thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates. Deuteronomy 6:9."
Whatever liar. I had sex with Tim Tebow, and I know for a fact that the only thing he has tattooed on his ass is a picture of Calvin peeing in the mouth of Mohammed. Oh, and Mohammed is driving a Chevy Truck.
Tim Tebow tried to have sex with me but he put his penis into my cat by mistake
" is equally impossible...." LOL
That was the point where I paused the video and came here to submit it.
Wow, wonderful.
a modern day Samson story for our time.