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Comment count is 12
Riskbreaker - 2012-05-11


Hooker - 2012-05-11

He's living on his condominium on the moon.

Cena_mark - 2012-05-11

"Wherever you go, I will be with you, I’ll always be with you, YEAH! The moon, the stars, Venus, Pluto, Sat-turn, yeaaaaah, lookin’ down and covering all bases. Dig it"

craptacular - 2012-05-11


fedex - 2012-05-11

peyote smoothies with meth sprinkles on top

MongoMcMichael - 2012-05-11

Two-thirds of the people in this clip are dead, and Sean Mooney's career is well on its way.

Old_Zircon - 2012-05-11

My generation's Brando.

Old_Zircon - 2012-05-11

I guess not my generation, I was in 5th grade when this happened.

Toenails - 2012-05-11

You don't look the Macho King in the eyes, idiot.

Craptabulous - 2012-05-11

My god. He's an absolute loon, and I love him for it. We've lost a great one, fellas. Just know that wherever he's gone, Heaven, Valhalla, or out of existence forever, he was a credit to the wrasslin' race, and wouldn't do it any other way if he had to do it again.

fedex - 2012-05-11

dude he died a year ago

sosage - 2012-05-11

To stop Armageddon

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