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boy is he in for disappointment
I think I vomited a little.
Nothing says heroism like Nickelback!
It's either that, Evanescence, Linkin Park, or Disturbed. Those are your four shitty choices apparently.
This guy is 5'4".
He was already starting to look weird when young.
what was that short film about the bodybuilder who lived with his overbearing mother, and he tries to take some girl out on a date and it gets awkward?
Gross Clumsy the Motion Picture? 'Dennis'
I'm surprised TFL Bill doesn't have a commentary video on that. Shit that was sad.
Oh barf
So manly!
Is the last tag supposed to be "bodybuilding"?
Face tattoo, closet fag, Nickelback. The official Trifecta of Earth.
I bet this guy can't even run a mile. He'd need a fix halfway through.