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He's especially sweaty in this video, even for Macho Man.
This is amazing.
Cocaine/steroid cocktails for everyone!
utter crap for kids and man children
You're not even trying
Your hatred for wrestling proves you're not a man.
Official list of poetv patron saints: -"Macho Man" Randy Savage -Werner Herzog -Godfrey Ho -Shinya Arino I think Hard Gay is there too.
- Statler and Waldorf - Ulillillia
Randy Savage transcends wrasslin and is his own thing entirely...yet that thing wouldn't exist without wrasslin.
-cats -alitheia
ghost stars for 1394
Hey guys, I don't think Wonko the Sane likes wrestling. I should probably stop submitting and voting up wrestling videos on poetv. I'm probably not going to stop though. Sorry dude! :D
I think it is about time 'Wonko the Sane' became a tag for all wresting uploads. Five for the exchanges.
I think we have just found Andrew WK's muse
Bouncing for Geraldine Ferraro is a job no man should be forced to do.