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Pervy old-timey doctors are the best.
NSFW Warning: Lots of vintage boobage
Yes, I just added a tag, sorry I forgot - but it's all for science and b/w boobs are art, after all.
NFSW videos aren't supposed to go here, but this is pretty great. I've held off on submitting a few videos that have about this much nudity, but they're on youtube and have been for a long time.
You could tell a Crossfit class to do this whole routine and no one would bat an eye
Ah, the kind of thing that keeps me coming back.
This needs music, though I have no idea what kind.
I'm thinking Nile.
slowed down yakkity sax?
That is a very easy question. Stravinsky, Rite of Spring: The Adoration of the Earth. %2Fwatch%3Fv%3DboJFWX_MAUk&start1=16&video2=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtu Tux
Crawling exercises designed to keep women and children in their place.