Wonko the Sane - 2012-02-22
this place is full of idiots
Oscar Wildcat - 2012-02-22 As it should; both are scripted by the same fey hipster nerds.
StanleyPain - 2012-02-22 Yeah, this shit sucks. Kinda sad to see this place going the POEN route, but children have to be little children. I think I'm done with this place for a little while...maybe in a week or two people will grow the fuck up a little.
Riskbreaker - 2012-02-22 Acting like a kid: having some fun with videos of things you like
Acting like a grown up adult: acting offended and leaving a place
snothouse - 2012-02-22
Where America turns into Japan.
twinkieafternoon - 2012-02-22
Ok, the female second stanza.
parlagi - 2012-02-22
Needs an "affirmation" tag to link it to the original segment, with psychic Gary Spivey reassuring him about being Mr. Wonderful.
Cena_mark - 2012-02-22
This was way better than Lex Luger's Narcissist.
jimmicampkin - 2012-02-22
Firstly; please tell me this guy wrestled for ECW at some point in his career.
Secondly; please tell me there is footage of the riot.
American Standard - 2012-02-22
They should revive this gimmick, and replace the mirror with a smartphone and constant duckface, fat girl angle shot picture-snapping, and examination of the results.
CornOnTheCabre - 2012-02-22 technically Zack Ryder was that gimmick revival, but now Vince McMahon is too busy stuffing him in wheelchairs and shoving him down flights of stairs for nuance
which, to be fair, is probably how this Orndoff angle should've ended
Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2012-02-22
So is this guy still alive?
spikestoyiu - 2012-02-22 Somehow. He recently conquered cancer, I believe.
spikestoyiu - 2012-02-22 HE CAN DEAL WITH CANCER. CAN YOU?
SDAusmus - 2012-02-23
Too bad it cut off before he took off his jacket and you could see his withered arm.
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