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Comment count is 9
SolRo - 2012-02-06

missing dupe tag

B. Weed - 2012-02-06

Your tag says "tile-lens"; I don't think you intended that.

The Mothership - 2012-02-06

no 'truckasaurus' tag? come on man...

RocketBlender - 2012-02-06

Fixed on both counts. Link to the dupe? I can't find it with poe search.

SolRo - 2012-02-06


VoilaIntruder - 2012-02-06

In Google search use "site:poetv.com X", removing the quotation marks and replacing X with whatever you're looking for.

Baron_Von_Bad_Beaver - 2012-02-11

I work for Feld Entertainment, they own Monster Jam. They also own Disney Live, Disney on Ice, Barnum and Bailey Circus and Supercross, Motorcross and IHRA.

I don't know, it just feels kind of weird that My Robot Friend, one of my favorite techno bands made a music video about my company's product.

Chalkdust - 2012-02-06

I love this effect so much. I've only ever seen it done with time lapse, though... it there something about the process that necessitates that? I am curious if the effect is lost or weakened if it's shot fluidly.

bopeton - 2012-02-07

By "tilt lens" do you mean "mostly blurry" or what? I guess I'm not familiar enough with the technique.

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