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As a robot, i find this snuff film vile. What is wrong with you people?
This is what gets fembots hot, baby!
You couldn't pay me enough to get within 5 feet of that thing.
My God, it's like Captain Kirk taught it how to love.
Things fall apart, the center cannot hold.
that washing machine is my new hero, soldiering on in its self-destructive duty, uncomplaining and uncompromising
It's beautiful!
They have top men working on it now. Top. Men.
Shake it a baby now!
Do not go gentle into that good night.
The thrown-in cat was the last straw.
A visual metaphor for masturbation.
"Poor little guy, sniff, probably kept up with you for a mile or so..tough little mutt. Yep."
but how does it relate to the warehouse scene i raiders? Also it looks like one of the eye module things from portal right at the end
Looks like Stuxnet MKII infects washing machines. What's next, Iranian cotton candy makers?
What will those Sybian Rider people think of next?
2:39 that is some SHEXY dancin'! :::fap:::
The death cry at the end.
There was a washing machine here. It's gone now.
....silent hill 2?
turns out that I forgot that there were scenes in Raiders of the Lost Ark after the one near the end where those guys get their faces melted
Yeah, I was trying to figure out how this scene related to a huge museum warehouse. My confusion is now dispelled! Thanks, submitter!
What a waste. That thing would have DESTROYED some clothes if given the chance.
Time Bandits. Is this evil?
This is nothing at all like Indiana Jones and Marian Ravenwood walking down the steps...
And that's what happens when you let your home appliances solve the Lament Configuration.