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Call me Dave Meltzer because I'm giving this match 5 Stars.
Even Meltzer isn't that stupid.
I want a nude suit.
Sadly that suit will forever overshadow the great technical wrestling in this bout.
If you wear a nude suit in your next video presentation, I will pay you.
Poor 'Taker--he was saddled with so many feuds with overgrown talentless loads over the years, although none were worse than Giant Gonzalez.
This is the same event that saw Hogan decide on a whim that he wanted the world championship title, waltzed out and had it handed to him.
I've always marveled at the fact that they thought it would be a good idea to dress a wrestler up as a really hairy woman.
What a pathetically stupid 'sport'.
Its better than soccer.
WAY better than soccer
They're pretty much the same thing at this point.
I know which one is better entertainment, I'll tell ya that much.