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Comment count is 8
jangbones - 2012-01-19

The Patriots could win the Super Bowl with one of the worst defenses to ever make the playoffs. How? By stopping Tim Tebow, Joe Flacco, and Alex Smith.

I am rooting hard for the Giants, and I loathe the Giants.

And Bernie Williams will eventually get into the Hall because he is a Yankee, and Yankees always get a free pass, jazz guitar or not.

deadpan - 2012-01-19

I miss Doc. :(

Sphinx - 2012-01-19

He'll be back. They often use this other guy for some reason which is probably a stupid reason.

Jet Bin Fever - 2012-01-19

I still can't believe the Saints lost to those jokers. All those turnovers... I wanted to cry.

Xenocide - 2012-01-19

Tom Brady prepares for game by looking in mirror, stroking cock.

Vaidency - 2012-01-19

Funny, but not as strong as their previous efforts.

twinkieafternoon - 2012-01-19

Doc really lends something to this that Greengrass can't replicate. I miss his mix of tragedy and everyman rage.

craptacular - 2012-01-20

i watch these even though i know nothing about sports. and they're still entertaining... somehow...

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