farmers up around nodak let people do this because the prairie dog holes cause livestock in their pastures to slip into them and break their legs. so, yeah, this is a thing. people make a weekend of it.
Normally, people get diverticulosis (little pouches extruding from the colon) in their 60's and later from eating a diet insufficient in fiber.
Here's a guy who's eaten so little fiber his inflamed divertticuli were surgically removed in his 30s. Don't be Brock Lesnar. There's zero fiber in meat (and not much in processed food).
Well, gotta compensate for your steroid-shrivelled dick somehow...woulda been nice if he could have found a way to do that without killing anything, though.
I feel such deep sympathy as this man narrates his struggles with his health interspersed with footage of him exploding tiny animals whose only defense is spending 90% of their lives underground.
He made himself appear as a complete douchebag in such little time. Maybe in the next video he can shoot a .50 caliber handgun out the window of his corvette while mowing over prairie dogs.
This guy is a complete douchebag, but unfortunately I have to admit.. I kind of chuckled when those prairie dogs did a summersault in the air after being shot at.