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thats how it signals to the other robots that it has found you, you useless bag of mostly water
It seems impressive, but can it ignore stop signs and other traffic controls intentionally to annoy the robots who drive cars?
It should yell, "Bike rights! Three feet!," too.
Naw, but it won't die when you absentmindedly sideswipe it going ten over.
You mean people hit bicyclers by accident!? I need to change my defense from "manifest destiny" to "accident..."
That is a five star hipster burn in the description, sir
Then all of our hipsters will be employed. That's a better future?
Next item on the list: a bicycle built for two.
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A dream that one day you could have a robot that rides a bicycle without a remote control. Now that's thinking big!
Eventually they'll end up with laster cannons added and then turn their attention to overthrowing ignoble mankind as rulers of the Earth.
I'll take one gross of those gyros, thanks. Even better, where can I buy stock in the gyro company?
for real.