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Desc:No worries guys, I'll just support my entire body weight on one limb 200 feet in the air
Category:Sports, Stunts
Tags:climbing, better sports, ice climbing, upper body strength
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Comment count is 10
The Mothership - 2011-09-12

That's some slick heel work.

fedex - 2011-09-12

actually the thing they do looping the leg around the arm which is holding the hook is pretty slick too

Adjuvant - 2011-09-12

That's a figure 4.

Boy do I suck at ice climbing, but I'll tell you it's even more fun than it looks.

fedex - 2011-09-12

thats good, because to me it doesn't looks as fun as, say, a good kick to the head. Of course Im afraid of heights, so....

cognitivedissonance - 2011-09-12

I don't see any eggplants with feet or polar bears who wear speedos and sunglasses.

erratic - 2011-09-12

I see what you did there

Sudan no1 - 2011-09-12

If this was a youtube video, I would have doubled it with this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-Vqb9FL2wg

MurgatroidMendelbaum - 2011-09-12

This video ends on a cliffhanger.

OgreMkIV - 2011-09-12

So much better than when they showed the speed climbing on the X Games. Everyone I knew had a huge misconception about what I did when I was climbing from that crap.

The venue looks like a combination between a Klingon courtroom and the Thunderdome.

THA SUGAH RAIN - 2011-09-12

I can deal with falling whilst attached to ropes, but I dont know I feel about those giant claws raining down on me while I do it.

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